SimplyHair | WooCommerce To Shopify Plus

SimplyHair | WooCommerce To Shopify Plus

The Project In Numbers

🛒 50k+ Orders Migrated
💳 10k+ Customers Migrated
📦 500+ Products

Migrated From


SimplyHair struggled with their highly customised, complex WooCommerce site modified year after year. As a result, they suffered with:

🐌 Slow load times
💸 Increasing hosting costs to handle growing traffic
🕰️ Down time
😭 Challenge managing theme and plugin updates

Additional Requirements

As well as the primary data migration, we also had to implement the following as part of the move to Shopify:

🖤 Wholesale / Customer specific pricing with advanced rules based on customer profile and product collection
💲 Multi Currency
🌍 Advanced international shipping rules to determine shipping times and prices

The Results

Since launching their Shopify Plus store, SimplyHair has streamlined operations and boosted business growth:

👍 99.99% uptime thanks to Shopify, with 0 minutes spent on worrying about updates or hosting
🧠 Easy to create and manage content in-house
🧮Checkout Script Editor enabled complex trade pricing rules

Additionally, the SimplyHair team can now nimbly create landing pages to support marketing campaigns themselves to better capitalise on opportunities.

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